Finding your own path

Why personalised hormone support is so important

This last week I watched the Davina McCall Documentary ‘Sex, Myths and Menopause’ and also undertook some training deepening by my understanding on fertility and the incredible female body and it got me thinking about how choices relating to our own body are often taken out of our hands or we are made to feel like the decision no longer rests with us - this doesn’t have to be the case.

Our bodies are complex but oh so incredible and pretty miraculous when you think of all it is doing to support us day in day out without us even having to think about it.

After all, how we look after our health and hormones now can influence how we experience them later on in life too 

  • Women’s health as a whole is drastically under funded, under research and under supported

  • We need to be more in tune with our bodies and understand our hormones and cycles at each phase of life

  • Our hormones are magical and complex but can often feel like we are battling against them, let’s understand and take care of them

  • Let’s not wait for to see how we fair through the menopause before we start checking in and tuning in with what our cycle and our body as a whole is communicating to us via little niggles and symptoms

  • Let’s break the taboo of women’s health, hormones, periods and sex and be open and honest with how we are feeling and what we are experiencing - lets create safe places in our family, friends, community circles to be able to discuss this opening and honestly so no one feels isolated, embarrassed or like their body is failing

This relates to every girl/women no what what age or stage of life.

Whilst having a baby isn’t necessarily in everyone’s immediate plan (it might be in the future or not at all and whatever path is absolute right for you 🥰) one thing is clear. How we nurture our mind and bodies has an impact on future generations. That doesn’t need to appear like a burden or a reason for restriction but to me that seems like the most amazing gift, blessing and legacy we could ever have.

My mission is to support women to feel at home in their body, however that looks like for you as an individual and not something you feel you should think/feel/be. I want you to feel in tune with what’s right for you, to take control of your thoughts, feelings, decision so they are coming from a place within you that you know is the right decision for you and not the external worlds views. If we can understand our cycles from an earlier age rather than tuning in when we want to get pregnant or when we are approaching the menopause we can understand our bodies so much more and know what is our normal, this can make a huge difference if  things start to feel off kilter/our cycles change/our mood changes/symptoms appear as it allows us to advocate for our health so much more rather than feel like it is out of our control.  We can address the underlying causes and bring it back to balance, on our own unique path.

I guess what I am trying to say is we need to be our own health advocate and do whatever feels right for us, our circumstances and our life stage. Never feel like you don’t have a choice or that you only have one option/path to go down.

Let’s love and embrace our uniqueness and do what is right for us as a whole.

There is always hope lovely, as long as you are doing what is right for you, your body and making you feel you’re best that’s all that matter. If you are feeling a little lost and are looking for a personalised approach to walk alongside you then get in touch via the contact tab, I would love help.


Thyroid and Hormone Balance - what you need to know


Courgette and Lemon Cake